What's New
- 2019/7/22
- CFP: ICBAKE2019 will be held at Jeju island with cooperation of ISIS2019. Web site of the joint conference is opened!
- 2017/11/11
- Proceedings of ICBAKE2017 is included in IEEE Xplore!
- 2017/9/16 12:00
- [Related to Typhoon situation] We will have sessions, speech, and events on the schedule in 16th and 17th. Please be careful about a heavy rain and a strong wind by the typhoon.
In a case you change your schedule about excursion and/or banquet, please send e-mail to M. Fukumoto (fukumoto AT fit.ac.jp). - 2017/9/15
- Information for participants was updated in the program page. Additionally, please note that Musubiwaza-kan is a satellite campus of Kyoto Sangyo University: please do not go to the main campus.
- 2017/8/10
- We have opened the 2nd version of the conference program.
- 2017/7/5
- We will soon open submission and registration sites. Beforehand of it, we inform that we use IEEE templates for the final submission. Please check "Submission" site.
- 2017/6/21
- We have obtained IEEE Conference record number #42584. We are now preparing to use IEEE Xplore service.
- 2017/6/9
- We extend the submission deadline, and the new submission deadline is June 23. Please note that we have started review process of the papers submitted before or on June 7th.
- 2017/6/7
- With many requests, we will extend the submission deadline several days. We are now discussing a concrete new submission deadline.
- 2017/5/26
- Submission site has now been opened. Submission deadline is extended again: New submission deadline is June 7th.
- 2017/5/17
- Template file for submission for review was opened. Technical Co-Sponsor was added.
- 2017/4/25
- Some deadlines were postponed! New submission deadline is May 31.
- 2017/4/6
- New supporters were added.
- 2017/3/9
- Important dates were announced.
- 2017/3/3
- Information of post conference publication was added.
- 2017/1/20
- Website of ICBAKE2017 was Open.
Conference Information
2017 International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering
Conference Date: September 15-17th, 2017.
Venue: Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan.
Call for Paper
Purpose of Conference
This 5th edition of the conference aims to bring many important research streams together: Biometrics and Kansei Engineering. Image Analysis and Biometrics applications in both behavioral and physiological categories comprise researches in Information Processing Systems and Human Biology, Behavior and people Emotion Measuring Techniques for Identification and Recognition of either their personality of emotional state. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to submit their contributions in both theoretical and practical aspects of the Topics.

Technical Co-Sponsorship
- - IEEE SPS Kansai Chapter
Financial Sponsorship
- - Kyoto Sangyo University
- - Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE)
- - Life Oriented Software Group, JSKE
- - IEICE Technical Committee on Biometrics (BioX) Japan
- - Kansei Independent Researchers Group, JSKE
- - IEEE SMC Japan Chapter
Post Conference Publication
Selected papers are published in Special Issue of International Journal of Affective Engineering (IJAE), an international journal of JSKE. We have one more Special Issue in International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM). Details of the Special Issue will be announced on this web site.
All correspondence related to the conference should be address to:
Makoto Fukumoto, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
E-mail: fukumoto__at__fit.ac.jp
Registration Fee
Regular participants: 40,000 Japanese YenStudents: 30,000 Japanese Yen
On site registration will be higher 5,000 Japanese Yen from these fees. Details of the registration will be explained on Registration page which will be open in late June.
Previous Conferences