What's New
- December 18th, 2023
- CISIM2024 will be held at Bialystok, Poland in September 2024. Please check the conference website.
- September 25th, 2023
- CISIM2023 and ICBAKE2023 was successfully finished. We appreciate all participants and presenters!
- September 22nd, 2023
- We sent the Zoom URL and Proceedings information to all participants CISIM2023 (ICBAKE2023) via e-mail. If you have not received the e-mail, please contact Makoto Fukumoto: fukumoto at fit.ac.jp.
- September 8th, 2023
- Information for the presenters is updated on the Program page.
- September 3rd, 2023
- Information for the presenters is added on the Program page.
- August 28th, 2023
- We have opened the 1st version of conference program on the Program page.
- August 24th, 2023
- Information on the proceedings in LNCS is added to the "Conference Publication" item.
- August 21st, 2023
- We added info on "How to get from Narita/Haneda Airport to Conference Venue" on the Venue page.
- July 5th, 2023
- We have been asking the authors about their presentation style. Please check the e-mail sent via CMT on June 14 and make a response if you have not answered yet.
- June 14th, 2023
- The author's registration was finished. We continuously welcome the registration of online non-author participation. Please check the Important Dates page.
- June 12th, 2023
- The original proceedings will obtain ISSN: this is the temporal approval. We will announce this matter here when we obtain official approval.
- May 21st, 2023
- Professor Hattori will have a speech! We have added the banquet info. at Venue page.
As important notice, the participants from Japan can pay the registration fee to the ICBAKE Japan office. The bank account information of the office will be sent via CMT. - May 18th, 2023
- Registration and payment processes are the same as CISIM2023. Please check and make the processes via the CISIM2023 website.
- April 30th, 2023
- Notification was finished.
- March 3rd, 2023
- The submission deadline has been extended to March 21, 2023.
- February 27th, 2023
- The submission deadline for the full paper will be extended. Please submit the tentative title, abstract, and authors' information via the website of CISIM2023 by February 28th.
- February 7th, 2023
- The deadline of the Special Session Proposal was extended.
- Janually 7th, 2023
- Publication of the Special Issue in IJAE was officially accepted.
- December 7th, 2022
- Publication information was added.
- September 1st, 2022
- The organization was updated.
- August 16th, 2022
- The website of ICBAKE2023 was open.
Date and Venue
Conference Date: September 22-24th, 2023.
Onsite Venue: Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan. ICBAKE2023 will be held in hybrid mode.
Conference Publication
Springer will publish the conference proceedings in LNCS. The accepted papers, which will not be published within the limit of LNCS conference proceedings (around 30-40%), will be published in other proceedings books.
Title of Proceedings in LNCS:
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, LNCS, volume 14164
Title of Original Proceedings Books:
Proceedings of Computer Information Systems, Biometrics and Kansei Engineering 2023
Conference Information
Conference Name: International Conference on Biometrics and Kansei Engineering 2023.
The 8th edition of the conference aims to bring many important research streams together: Biometrics and Kansei Engineering.
Image Analysis and Biometrics applications in both behavioral and physiological categories comprise researches
in Information Processing Systems and Human Biology, Behavior and people Emotion Measuring Techniques for Identification
and Recognition of either their personality of emotional state.
Therefore, researchers are encouraged to submit their contributions in both theoretical and practical aspects of the Topics.
In addition, ICBAKE2023 has special sessions. We welcome the proposal of a special session where the researchers present and discuss specific topics.

- - Japan Society of Kansei Engineering (JSKE)
Post Conference Publication
Selected papers are published in Special Issue of International Journal of Affective Engineering, an international journal of JSKE.
#Additional information: please note that we have another review process in the publication of the special issue.
All correspondence related to the conference addressed to:
Makoto Fukumoto, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
E-mail: fukumoto__at__fit.ac.jp
Previous Conferences
ICBAKE 2019 was held with ISIS as ISIS2019&ICBAKE2019.